CORPORATE Department:
Corporate Communications
Bacana Communications’ distinctive feature is its great relationship to each client. We establish a solid foundation built on trust since day one; trust that is progressively gained through our close attention to detail and constant dedication to understanding our clients’ needs. The Corporate Department is committed to achieving effective corporate communication based on clear communication and quality execution.
Our extensive knowledge of the different communication areas in Spain has made us a benchmark agency in the fields of finance, mass consumption, distribution-retail, health, education, foundations/institutions, and personal branding. In short, we are specialists in corporate communication
Communication is either straightforward and easy to comprehend or not at all.
360º communication acts transversally so that different lines of communication lead to differentiated messages, that consolidate a good brand image, recognition, and reputation. With a global impulse, it encompasses both external and internal communication.
Our goal at Bacana Communications is to build a close relationship of trust with the client. How? Through professionalism and target achievement.
Bacana Communications becomes the partner that both plans and executes the strategies and game plan established for corporate communication. Always in line with our client’s business strategy and purpose, we assist in the delivery of clear messages and communication. Some of the corporate communication tools that we use include but are not limited to: the press office, protocol and institutional relations, and event management.
Every plan is catered to each individual client and non-transferable.
Each plan requires a prior diagnosis and identifies the specific needs that are unique to each company. We develop an individualised and strategic communication plan, which also includes the main lines of Corporate Social Responsibility. Because each client is unique, with intrinsic values.
Bacana Communications has a team of professionals specialised in the different areas of communication, aimed at carrying out tailor-made work for each client from an integral point of view.